Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lost and Workshop

It's Thursday and you know what that means! LOST! Hopefully we'll get some questions answered this week...

Ok! So one of my goals this year is to go to a photographers workshop! I wanted to see if anyone was going to one or even thinking about going to one, or if anyone had any suggestions on a good one to go to. Keep in mind, I'm on a budget here!


Anonymous said...

Kelly moore is having one in Dallas around the July/Aug time...don't know how much though:)

kristinbednarz said...

The only workshop I want to go to is the Foundation Workshop. For me, photojournalism is what I love! The real story, instead of just the fine art. It's a totally submersed in your face, your heart and your soul, INTENSE week with some of the countries TOPS in the business. NO, not wedding photography business, but hard core JOURNALISM business.

Here's a link in case you are interested.

lauren Zaffos Photography said...

sooo, Peter and I think we like watching Lost season by The episodes are just so short, and don't really go anywhere......but needless to say, we are still addicts..haha:) Hope you guys have a great weekend.

Caroline Joy said...

YAY WORKSHOP! I'd love to go to one with you! Probably my greatest dream is to go to a One Day workshop with The Image is Found. But I'm up for anything. :)

Rachel Brooke said...

I'm with you, I want to go really bad! So expensive though.
LOST is amazingggg!