Wednesday, September 26, 2007

to all my photographer friends:

hey guys! I want to know what everyones FAVORITE lens is! I'm in the mood to buy a new one and I wanna make it a good'n so let me know which one you can't live without! Thanks!!!!
And this is a random picture of Debbie Wall because I don't like to make a post without at least one picture!


kristinbednarz said...

Can't live without? Well, you probably already have it. But the 2 lenses that STAY on my camera are

50 1.2
24 1.4

LOVE the sharpness as well as the creamy edges when you push these puppies to the limit! Fantastic glass!

Anonymous said...

I just ordered the 50 1.2....and I am Super excited so I will let you know if it is my fave or not :) Everyone says it is just too good to be true =)

Melissa Koehler said...

I love my 85 1.8
and 24-70

I would like the 50 1.2

Rachel Brooke said...

that is hands down my 50mm f/1.8!! It is only 75 dollars... cheapest one I have but my absolute favorite. If you have the mula, i'd go for the 1.2 or 1.4!

Toni said...

my 50 1.2 is my favorite portraite lens, but gotta say I like the 28-72 2.8 nikor. Love the colors in that pic too!! and thanks for stopping my be blog earlier!!